Your feed is down? Please read this:
This app (same as all the scanner apps, except this is the best!) is only intended to offer a convenient user interface so that you can easily search for, access, set alerts, listen, etc. to the audio feeds which all come from broadcastifydotcom.
If your audio feed goes down, you may go to broadcastify and make a report. You will need to become a member to do this.
Sometimes a feed may close and another will open to take its place so try searching for an alt first. Remember, all these feeds come from individuals who voluntarily use their own equipment and time to broadcast out so be kind and grateful.
You will also find information at broadcastify and online on how to set up and run a feed if you dont have one in your area. Be prepared to spend time and $$ on equipment. It is a big commitment.
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Police Scanner Radio & Fire, v1.4.7